#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "pin_macros.h"
unsigned char led=0;
ISR(INT0_vect) {
if (led){
led = 0;
} else {
led = 1;
int main (void)
b1_input; //switch
b0_output; //led output
MCUCR = 1<<isc01; //set INT0 as falling edge trigger
GIMSK = 1<<INT0; //enable INTO in global interrupt mask
sei(); //enable interrupt
while(1) {
;; //interrupt do the rest
B1 is connected to a switch, and B0 is connected to a LED.
When B1 is pressed, it would toggle the LED On or Off.
Download the whole project : http://labs.bitartist.org/test_int0.tar.gz
However note that "isc01" should be changed to "ISC01".
Note that mechanical switches bounce. That is, switch opening or closure is rarely a clean digital state transition. So when you flip the switch, it may actually register open-closed-open-closed-open... multiple times. This would cause your LED to turn on and off multiple times for a single change of the switch state.
There are various debouncing schemes - but a simple addition to this program would be to add a delay in the ISR. Something like _delay_ms(100) should do the trick. If you turn the switch on and off in less than a 10th of a second, it may not register, but otherwise, you should be okay.
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